Sag Harbor Affordable Housing

updated January 9

The Sag Harbor ZBA - Zoning Board of Appeals met Tuesday, December 18 at 4pm at Village Hall on Main St. The Bulova project discussion was postponed until the next meeting on Tuesday January 15. The meeting is at the Municipal Building on Main Street at 6:30 pm

The project, a plan by developers for more than 60 luxury apartments was discussed by the Sag Harbor Planning Board on Janury 3. The anticipated vote on the County's affordable housing requirement and the need for a formal environmental quality review (SEQRA) for the project was not taken.

The County has jurisdiction since the Bulova property is on a county road (Rte 114). However the Village can over-ride this requirement with a 'super-majority' opposed.

Those local teachers, fireman, police and other 'just plain folks' who would like to live near their jobs will be shut out unless the Village officials can be convinced that we do need affordable housing in Sag Harbor, not more weekenders' second homes.

A plan for low-cost housing CAN be developed using some of the land slated for this project.

Come to the meetings, hear what's going down and voice your opinion.

More info: Kathryn Szoka, LI Progressive Coalition - South Fork Chapter - 725-1149