IN OUR INBOX: Stop Assault on border wildlands!


From: Dan Millis <>
Subject: [ACTNET-BORDERLANDS-ALERTS] Help stop Cinco de Mayo assault on border wildlands!
Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2010, 5:13 PM

Extremist Republican Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina is trying to impose his will on our borderlands! 

Today DeMint called for 700 miles of double-layer, federal penitentiary-style border wall to be added to the financial reform bill. This would mean construction of another 1,019 miles of 15-foot tall steel that would block wildlife, cause flooding and wreak environmental havoc across the Southwest!

Write your Senators today, and tell them:

* We already spent $3.4 billion to build 645 miles of border barriers and walls.
* Border walls have proven costly, ineffective and harmful to border communities and wildlife.

Click here to find out how your Senators voted last time DeMint tried this malicious trick. Thank or spank your Senators! 

Below is a link to a news story about this "DeMinted" Cinco de Mayo amendment:

Thank you for caring about the border,

Dan Millis
Borderlands Campaign, Sierra Club
738 N. 5th Ave. #214
Tucson, AZ 85705

(520) 620-6401