UPDATED 04-13-05Committee for Peace in Israel and Palestine (COPIP)PO Box 286
Wainscott, NY 11975
Contact: Silvia Tennenbaum 324 9618
East End Interfaith Task ForceGroup of whose mission is to provide a forum for public discussion of the shared moral foundations of our society
Contact: Joan Porco 631-668-2093
East End Direct ActionGroup that practices non-violent civil disobedience
Contact: Dan Steiger 631-831-4966
East End VeteransContact Joe Giannini 631-267-6666
East End Women in BlackGroup that sponsors vigils against war and the occupations of Palestine and Iraq.
Contact: Sigrid Meinel at sigridbythesea2@aol.com or
Long Island Progressive Coalition - South Fork Chapter90 Pennsylvania Avenue
Massapequa, NY 11758
Contact: Seth Weingart 516-541-1006 ext 13 or seth@lipc.org
NAACPNational Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Eastern Long Island Branch
Contact: Lucius Ware 631-287-7346 or elibnaacp@aol.com
North Fork People of ConscienceGroup organizing peace vigils and working on
counter-military recruiting information to the public.
Contact: Pat Hovey hovey@optonline.net
OLAOrganizacion Latino Americana of Eastern Long Island
Pax Christi - Long IslandContact Larry Darcey 631-725-9006 or Bill McNulty wmcnult@suffolk.lib.ny.us
School of Americas Watch - Long IslandSuffolk contact: Bill McNulty - wmcnult@suffolk.lib.ny.us
Suffolk Peace Network (county wide)Suffolk Peace Network: (Co) Coordinator Liz Folz (631-689-2132 / 631-805-0269)
Counter Military Recruitment Committee Chair: Karen Sackett: 631-875-8647
rksrc@optonline.netSuffolk Progressive VisionContact: Richard Sackett, Karen Sackett
email: spv@active.ws
web site: www.spv.active.ws
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork - Social Action CommitteeContact: Michael O'Neill 631-725-4573 or leoneill@optonline.net
United for Peace and Justice (National Organization)212-666-5545
War Resisters LeagueContact: Gerry Mooney 516-429-9627