Sovereignty and Justice

from a letter to the East Hampton Star:

A representative of the Shinnecock Nation quoted in the Star said that no one representing the tribe is responsible for a poll soliciting opinions about the gaming casino the tribe has proposed.

The poll comes on the heels of the land claim suit against Southampton Town and the golf clubs in Shinnecock Hills.

The Shinnecock Nation is recognized by the State of New York. The Shinnecocks have been on the land that became the Town of Southampton continuously for thousands of years. Much of that land was was taken from them over the years in violation of the laws of those who took it.

The over-development and poor planning which created the chaos that is Southampton today was not the Shinnecocks' doing. It is their right to use the land they now occupy as they see fit and they should be compensated for lands taken illegally.

Regardless of the outcome of a telephone poll the real issues are sovereignty and justice.

Anthony Ernst, Southampton
Dan Steiger, Sag Harbor
Robert Zellner, Southampton