For an updated East End Report click here
In this week's report: [ click on any of the bold headers below ]
Gristedes Suit Against LI Tribes Gets an Airing
October 15: Rachel's Words - A Tribute to Rachel Corrie
From Sheila Croke: Rep. Peter King at Stony Brook
Peace and Justice Calendar
Suffolk Peace Vigils (Sag Harbor Vigil Sunday)
Counter Recruiting Schedule
Alternative Media for Eastern LI Starting October 1
Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez:
Monday- Saturday on Riverhead/Southampton/Southold Channel 20.
New Schedule Starting October 2:
Monday 10 pm
Tuesday 9 pm
Wednesday 9 pm
Thursday 9 pm
Friday - 6:30 am
Saturday - 6:30 am
See for program details on WPKM heard at 88.7 Montauk to Water Mill and WPKN 89.5 Bridgeport to Southampton and Southold.
Local News at 6:30 pm (Mon-Fri) has occasional reports from the East End.
Support Independent Media: WUSB and WPKN/WPKM need your support.
Go to wpkn(dot)org and wusb(dot)fm and contribute on line.
See the North Fork People of Conscience web site
Also see the Suffolk Progressive Vision web site for links to more local events.
The East End Report is compiled by Tony Ernst.
Send comments, corrections and event listings to
Gristedes Case Against LI Tribes Gets an Airing
A hearing was held Tuesday in Federal Court in Brooklyn on a lawsuit filed by Gristedes
Corporation, a New York City food store chain aginst the Shinnecock and Unkechaug Indian
tribes, their officials and owners of smokeshops on the two Long Island Indian reservations.
The Gristedes complaint says the defendants violated federal racketeering law by selling
tax free tobacco, contributing to a black market on the streets of New York City and helping
fund terrorism and Lebanon's Hezbollah.
The suit also says the defendents cannot claim sovereign immunity in this case since they are
not on the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs list of recognized tribes.
Judge Carol Amon presided at the hearing which was attended by more than fifty Native
Americans and their supporters.
The judge questioned attorneys regarding the basis for tribal sovereign immunity and the lack
of evidence for Gristedes' complaints regarding criminal activity. She asked how Gristedes
could base a complaint solely on newspaper articles.
The defendants' attorney cited the 2005 decision by Federal Judge Thomas Platt that the
Shinnecock are an Indian Tribe and New York State's history of recognition of both the
Shinnecock and the Unkechaug nations.
The Long Island Native American Business Alliance staged a rally and press conference
following the hearing on the street outside the court house.
Unkechaug Chief Harry Wallace says the basis of their sovereign right to conduct commerce
under the law goes back to colonial era treaties. He cited the 1669 Treaty of Fort Albany
in which the British colonists of New York recognized the rights of the native peoples to
conduct commerce in their territories.
Lance Gumbs,Chairman of the Shinnecock Tribal Trustees says that the BIA list is solely for
the purpose of allowing tribes to participate in federal programs.
Gumbs said"you have a tribe that predates the United States, predates New York State,Chief Harry Wallace says that the tobacco shops provide needed training and employment
goes all the way back to the colonial period, you step up to the plate and say
they're not a tribe because they're not on the federal government's list? "
for people on the reservations."Before we had these businesses we had a 80% unemployment rate. They were not
unemployed, they were un-employable. We trained people, we educated people,
we provided people with health insurance that did not exist, we provided
people with pensions. No Federal or state program did that, we did that."
Wallace says the legal cost of fighting this suit is high but as far as losing it would be" back to where they want us to be - unemployed and un-employable -
and I refuse to go back there".
Judge Amon reserved her decision which could be issued any time within the next 90 days.
WPKN's East End of Long Island News Team filed this report for WPKN Local News
heard Monday-Friday at 6:30 pm on
WPKN 89.5 Bridgeport CT and WPKM 88.7 Montauk NY
If you would like to join the East End News Team send an email to
October 15: Rachel's Words - A Tribute to Rachel Corrie

A message from Vic Teich, Committee for Peace in Israel and Palestine :
Rachel Corrie is the young American woman who was crushed to death by an Israeli army bulldozer as she stood protesting the destruction of the house of a Palestinian pharmacist.
On October 15th at 7:30 p.m. at the Unitarian - Universalist Meetinghouse, the Committee for Peace in Israel and Palestine is presenting a multimedia tribute to Rachel Corrie.
The program will include dramatic film of Rachel in Palestine; of Rachel's mother and father; of the young protesters standing in front of the bulldozers even as the monstrous machines clank forward. Caroline Doctorow and Rhonda Liss will sing, and Liz Rogers will accompany on the piano. Simon Shaheen, a Palestinian, plays a mandolin-like instrument called the u'd against images of destruction in Rafah, where Rachel was killed.
Rachel's e-mails to her parents from Rafah will be read by Lorraine Dusky, Anthony Brandt, James McMullan, Kate McMullan, Genie Henderson, Lily Henderson, Star Black and Tom Leo. Here is the description of the audience's reaction to a reading of the e-mails at the Riverside Church in New York:
"But the focus of the evening were the readings of Rachel's emails. Rachel spoke to us in a language so clear, powerful, simple and loving that no-one could ignore the appeal of her voice and her message.
"We are all born and someday we'll all die. Most likely to some degree alone. What if our aloneness isn't a tragedy? What if our aloneness is what allows us to speak the truth without being afraid?"Rachel's story will not move the Israeli lobby that has been so successful in suppressing the truth about Israel and Palestine. But help us inform the great confused middle who pay little attention to what goes on in Palestine. Ironically, the best protection for Israel's survival is to get out of Palestine.
Come on October 15th. Spread the word.
Suggested donation: $10
The Unitarian-Universalist Meetinghouse is a new building at 977 Sag Harbor-Bridgehampton Tpk., just south of Scuttlehole Road on the east side of the road.
From Sheila Croke: Rep. Peter King at Stony Brook
Peter King visited SBU today, October 10, 2006 and I don't think he will ever forget it, thanks to the great work of Stony Brook University's Social Justice Alliance students .
Their original plan, to stand and silently protest during King's speech, fell apart when they were excluded from the auditorium as they told there were no more seats available. . For a while it looked as if the day was lost. However another scenario developed. As Peter King approached to enter the auditorium, he had to pass by a number of people standing in the hallway behind security personnel. Among the group stood Bill McNulty.
"Peter ! " he called out in a voice that could have shaken the pillars of Solomon's Temple, "Peter" he called again, paused for a moment and then challenged King's continued support of the School of the Americas . There was not another sound ; there was no mistaking a single word that Bill said. Peter King hurried by.
Soon the students returned - with Plan B.
Wearing orange T shirts, bearing the words "NO ONE IS ILLEGAL", they entered the area outside the auditorium, formed a marching circle, clapping hands and chanting loudly in protest to King's policies. To their credit, the usual assortment of security personnel did not attempt to stop the proceedings. The chanting continued with great spirit for about 45 minutes or so involving about 30 students . Suddenly the chant became a roar, as King exited the auditorium crossing the hallway,buffered by security, all heading up the wide staircase . Following upon their heels, the students climbed the stairs, with the whole area exploding with "Hey! Ho! Peter King has gotta go! " . King disappeared behind a doorway at the top of the stairs, but the students stayed there on the balcony, chanting and cheering until they knew King had left the building.
It could have been the 2006 version of storming the Bastille! except and this is important, it was all non-violent. Great composure on the part of the students.
So for all of you who have been working so hard for Dave Mejias, or for the immigrants, or for the prisoners at Guantanamo and elsewhere, or for human rights, today was a day that your message was heard throughout the entire building and in range of all its occupants. How fitting that it took place in the Humanities building.
The students were supported by members of Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, Pax Christi, Suffolk Peace Network , World Can't Wait, North Country Peace and others whom I can't recall . Two observers from the ACLU volunteered their time, which was greatly appreciated.
Cheers to the Social Justice Alliance organizers, assisted by Jobs with Justice, and all those who spoke out bravely today.
Peace, Sheila
Their original plan, to stand and silently protest during King's speech, fell apart when they were excluded from the auditorium as they told there were no more seats available. . For a while it looked as if the day was lost. However another scenario developed. As Peter King approached to enter the auditorium, he had to pass by a number of people standing in the hallway behind security personnel. Among the group stood Bill McNulty.
"Peter ! " he called out in a voice that could have shaken the pillars of Solomon's Temple, "Peter" he called again, paused for a moment and then challenged King's continued support of the School of the Americas . There was not another sound ; there was no mistaking a single word that Bill said. Peter King hurried by.
Soon the students returned - with Plan B.
Wearing orange T shirts, bearing the words "NO ONE IS ILLEGAL", they entered the area outside the auditorium, formed a marching circle, clapping hands and chanting loudly in protest to King's policies. To their credit, the usual assortment of security personnel did not attempt to stop the proceedings. The chanting continued with great spirit for about 45 minutes or so involving about 30 students . Suddenly the chant became a roar, as King exited the auditorium crossing the hallway,buffered by security, all heading up the wide staircase . Following upon their heels, the students climbed the stairs, with the whole area exploding with "Hey! Ho! Peter King has gotta go! " . King disappeared behind a doorway at the top of the stairs, but the students stayed there on the balcony, chanting and cheering until they knew King had left the building.
It could have been the 2006 version of storming the Bastille! except and this is important, it was all non-violent. Great composure on the part of the students.
So for all of you who have been working so hard for Dave Mejias, or for the immigrants, or for the prisoners at Guantanamo and elsewhere, or for human rights, today was a day that your message was heard throughout the entire building and in range of all its occupants. How fitting that it took place in the Humanities building.
The students were supported by members of Code Pink, Veterans for Peace, Pax Christi, Suffolk Peace Network , World Can't Wait, North Country Peace and others whom I can't recall . Two observers from the ACLU volunteered their time, which was greatly appreciated.
Cheers to the Social Justice Alliance organizers, assisted by Jobs with Justice, and all those who spoke out bravely today.
Peace, Sheila
Peace & Justice Calendar Starting Oct 11
For details about the following events SCROLL DOWN:
* October 15 (Sunday): Rachel's Words - Tribute to Rachel Corrie in Bridgehampton at 7:30pm
* October 16(Monday): OLA Meeting - Meet the Candidates in Bridgehampton at 7:30pm
* October 17 (Tuesdays): Energy Forum in Bridgehampton at 7pm
* October 29 (Sunday): Talk by Margot Adler -"Lessons from Pagan and Earth Religions..."
in Bridgehampton at 10:30am
* November 17-19(Friday-Sunday): Annual School of the Americas Vigil / Demonstration at Ft. Benning Georgia
Repeating Events:
( see Counter-Recruiting for listing of weekly and monthly demonstrations)
* Saturdays: Native American Awareness Days at the Shinnecock Museum during October and November
* Sunday Nights: "Bush is a Liar Choir" rehearses in Lindenhurst from 7 to 9pm
* Every Thursday evening - Book Study Group in Water Mill at 6:30
* "Herstory" Writing Workshops on Wednesdays in Farmingville (Spanish and English) 3 to 5 pm and Thursdays in Spanish only in East Hampton at 7 pm
* Second Tuesday of Month: South Fork Chapter of LI Progressive Coalition Meets in Water Mill at 6:30 pm
Details Follow:
October 15 (Sunday): Rachel's Words - Tribute to Rachel Corrie in Bridgehampton at 7:30pm
The Committee for Peace in Israel and Palestine will present
RACHEL'S WORDS a tribute to Rachel Corrie who died, trying to bring peace to a violent world
(Rachel Corrie, a young American, was crushed to death by an Israeli Army bulldozer, as she tried to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian pharmacist's house in Gaza).
Sunday, October 15 at 7:30pm
At the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, 977 Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike
Contribution: $10 All are Welcome
Call 631-537-3419 for information.
October 16(Monday): OLA Meeting - Meet the Candidates in Bridgehampton at 7:30pm
OLA LE INVITA A UNA REUNION / OLA Invites you to a meeting
It’s as important to get to know the candidates as it is to vote!
State, county, and local candidates including Vivian Viloria-Fisher, Fred Thiele, Treewolf West, Mike Comando, a representative from Andrew Cuomo's office, and candidates for Southampton Town Trustee and Town Clerk positions will be on hand to answer questions.
Come to the OLA meeting with your questions for the state and local candidates in this year’s election.
Lunes, 16 de Octubre a las 7:30 p.m. / Monday 16 October at 7:30pm
“Community Room” Bridgehampton National Bank, 2200 Montauk Highway, Bridgehampton
Information: Organizacion Latino-Americana at 631-726-OLA6
October 17 (Tuesday): Energy Forum in Bridgehampton at 7pm
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation will hold an "Energy Forum" at the Meeeting House, 977 Bridgehampton Sag Harbor Turnpike on Tuesday evenings starting at 7pm. (The initial forum was on October 3).
This series, led by John Andrews, PhD, and Edson Brolin, is designed to communicate to a lay public the enormity of the world’s global warming problem and the options available to us to deal with this problem before it is too late. Each session will allow ample time for questions and answers.
John Andrews is a retired scientist from Brookhaven National Laboratory with extensive experience in energy efficiency and global warming. Edson Brolin is a retired engineering executive with experience in the energy supply field in industry and government and in energy research at Princeton University .
Tuesday, October 3
“The Enormity of Energy” and “The Impact of Fossil Fuels.” This program will dramatize the size and character of the world’s energy system and will provide the kind of factual information that frees the public from having to rely on commentators who may have their own agendas. Next, the program will examine the impact and benefits of fossil fuels, leading to a discussion of fossil-fuel alternatives on October 10 and 17.
Tuesday, October 10
“Energy Efficiency” and “Nuclear Power.” Energy efficiency is an area that offers much potential for reduction in energy use. Nuclear power is a controversial technology that has a large potential to replace energy now being produced by fossil fuels.
Tuesday, October 17
“Renewable Energies” and “Carbon Sequestration.” The final program will present renewable energy technologies, including solar cells, geothermal and wind power, and carbon sequestration, the storing of greenhouse gases underground. Dr. Andrews and Mr. Brolin will lead a discussion what has been learned and what actions might be taken to alleviate global warming.
Questions? Please call Edson Brolin at 631-537-1428.
October 29 (Sunday): Talk by Margot Adler -"Lessons from Pagan and Earth Religions..." in Bridgehampton at 10:30am
NPR correspondant Margot Adler will speak on "Lessons from Pagan and Earth Religions in a Time of Religious Violence" during the Unitarian service on Sunday morning October 29. The service starts at 10:30am at the UU Meeting House, 977 Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike
in Bridgehampton.
November 17-19(Friday-Sunday): Annual School of the Americas Vigil / Demonstration at Ft. Benning Georgia
The fight to close the military training camp for Latin American military continues. Close to 20,000 participants are expected to be there, many from Long Island.
Contact Bill McNulty at
Repeating Events:
See Suffolk Peace Vigils for a complete list of weekly and monthly vigils.
See Counter Recruiting Schedule for a listing of weekly and monthly demonstrations.
Saturdays during October and November: Native American Awareness Days at Shinnecock Museum
Native American Awareness Days will be held every Saturday in October and November.
The public is invited to visit the Shinnecock Nation Cultural Center and Museum for a "Journey With the People" in murals and exhibits of Shinnecock History.
Visitors will see a huge Dug-Out Canoe being constructed near a traditional wigwam out in front of the Museum.
Inside the Museum videos depicting Native American life styles be shown between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm each Saturday afternoon.
The Shinnecock Nation Cultural Center and Museum is on the Shinnecock Reservation at West Gate Road and Montauk Highway near Southampton, two miles east of Southampton College. (631) 287-4923
Sunday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 in Lindenhurst: Join political action singing group.
Participate in songs regarding environment, anti-war, labor, multiculturalism, civil rights, and other issues. Sing historic songs of struggle and social change. Explore the role of music in political movements. Experience singing musical arrangements, in four part harmony.
Perform these songs for others. Contribute to the progressive movement while becoming culturally enriched. If you've ever wanted to be in a singing group, now is your chance! Experienced and non-experienced singers are welcome. All we ask is that you are able to sing on pitch.
Rehearsals take place, Sunday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 in Lindenhurst.
Anyone interested, please call Lisa Fishbein at: (631) 957-4954
Thursday evening Book Study Group in Water Mill at 6:30 pm
The group meets at the Lutheran Church at Hayground Road and Montauk Highway on Thursdays at 6:30pmContact Pastor Vita at 631-537-1187 or pastorvita(at)verizon(dot)net
"Herstory" Writing Workshops in Spanish and English
Mondays in Farmingville:
Herstory Writers Workshop meets every Monday afternoon at the Farmingville branch of the Workplace Project from 3 to 5. Both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking women come together to share and shape their life experiences through memoir writing. The workshop is conducted in both English and Spanish.
Call 631-723-0150 for more information and directions to the center.
Thursdays in East Hampton:
Every Thursday Spanish-speaking women come together to share their writing with one another and receive feedback on how to structure and shape their lifewriting.
The East Hampton workshop is open to East Hampton Town residents and is conducted entirely in SpanishIt meets every Thursday, 7-9 p.m., at the Senior Citizens Center, 128 Springs-Fireplace Road.Call 631-723-0150 for more information.
Second Tuesday each month:
South Fork Chapter - LI Progressive Coalition Meets in Water Mill at 6:30pm The regular monthly meeting of the South Fork chapter of the Progressive Coalition is at 6:30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Lutheran Church on Montauk Highway & Hayground Rd. between Water Mill and Bridgehampton.
Info: 516-541-1006, ext.55 or www dot lipc dot org
Send event listings for next week's report by 5pm Tuesday to
Plain old text would be appreciated!
* October 15 (Sunday): Rachel's Words - Tribute to Rachel Corrie in Bridgehampton at 7:30pm
* October 16(Monday): OLA Meeting - Meet the Candidates in Bridgehampton at 7:30pm
* October 17 (Tuesdays): Energy Forum in Bridgehampton at 7pm
* October 29 (Sunday): Talk by Margot Adler -"Lessons from Pagan and Earth Religions..."
in Bridgehampton at 10:30am
* November 17-19(Friday-Sunday): Annual School of the Americas Vigil / Demonstration at Ft. Benning Georgia
Repeating Events:
( see Counter-Recruiting for listing of weekly and monthly demonstrations)
* Saturdays: Native American Awareness Days at the Shinnecock Museum during October and November
* Sunday Nights: "Bush is a Liar Choir" rehearses in Lindenhurst from 7 to 9pm
* Every Thursday evening - Book Study Group in Water Mill at 6:30
* "Herstory" Writing Workshops on Wednesdays in Farmingville (Spanish and English) 3 to 5 pm and Thursdays in Spanish only in East Hampton at 7 pm
* Second Tuesday of Month: South Fork Chapter of LI Progressive Coalition Meets in Water Mill at 6:30 pm
Details Follow:
October 15 (Sunday): Rachel's Words - Tribute to Rachel Corrie in Bridgehampton at 7:30pm
The Committee for Peace in Israel and Palestine will present
RACHEL'S WORDS a tribute to Rachel Corrie who died, trying to bring peace to a violent world
(Rachel Corrie, a young American, was crushed to death by an Israeli Army bulldozer, as she tried to prevent the demolition of a Palestinian pharmacist's house in Gaza).
Sunday, October 15 at 7:30pm
At the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, 977 Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike
Contribution: $10 All are Welcome
Call 631-537-3419 for information.
October 16(Monday): OLA Meeting - Meet the Candidates in Bridgehampton at 7:30pm
OLA LE INVITA A UNA REUNION / OLA Invites you to a meeting
It’s as important to get to know the candidates as it is to vote!
State, county, and local candidates including Vivian Viloria-Fisher, Fred Thiele, Treewolf West, Mike Comando, a representative from Andrew Cuomo's office, and candidates for Southampton Town Trustee and Town Clerk positions will be on hand to answer questions.
Come to the OLA meeting with your questions for the state and local candidates in this year’s election.
Lunes, 16 de Octubre a las 7:30 p.m. / Monday 16 October at 7:30pm
“Community Room” Bridgehampton National Bank, 2200 Montauk Highway, Bridgehampton
Information: Organizacion Latino-Americana at 631-726-OLA6
October 17 (Tuesday): Energy Forum in Bridgehampton at 7pm
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation will hold an "Energy Forum" at the Meeeting House, 977 Bridgehampton Sag Harbor Turnpike on Tuesday evenings starting at 7pm. (The initial forum was on October 3).
This series, led by John Andrews, PhD, and Edson Brolin, is designed to communicate to a lay public the enormity of the world’s global warming problem and the options available to us to deal with this problem before it is too late. Each session will allow ample time for questions and answers.
John Andrews is a retired scientist from Brookhaven National Laboratory with extensive experience in energy efficiency and global warming. Edson Brolin is a retired engineering executive with experience in the energy supply field in industry and government and in energy research at Princeton University .
Tuesday, October 3
“The Enormity of Energy” and “The Impact of Fossil Fuels.” This program will dramatize the size and character of the world’s energy system and will provide the kind of factual information that frees the public from having to rely on commentators who may have their own agendas. Next, the program will examine the impact and benefits of fossil fuels, leading to a discussion of fossil-fuel alternatives on October 10 and 17.
Tuesday, October 10
“Energy Efficiency” and “Nuclear Power.” Energy efficiency is an area that offers much potential for reduction in energy use. Nuclear power is a controversial technology that has a large potential to replace energy now being produced by fossil fuels.
Tuesday, October 17
“Renewable Energies” and “Carbon Sequestration.” The final program will present renewable energy technologies, including solar cells, geothermal and wind power, and carbon sequestration, the storing of greenhouse gases underground. Dr. Andrews and Mr. Brolin will lead a discussion what has been learned and what actions might be taken to alleviate global warming.
Questions? Please call Edson Brolin at 631-537-1428.
October 29 (Sunday): Talk by Margot Adler -"Lessons from Pagan and Earth Religions..." in Bridgehampton at 10:30am
NPR correspondant Margot Adler will speak on "Lessons from Pagan and Earth Religions in a Time of Religious Violence" during the Unitarian service on Sunday morning October 29. The service starts at 10:30am at the UU Meeting House, 977 Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike
in Bridgehampton.
November 17-19(Friday-Sunday): Annual School of the Americas Vigil / Demonstration at Ft. Benning Georgia
The fight to close the military training camp for Latin American military continues. Close to 20,000 participants are expected to be there, many from Long Island.
Contact Bill McNulty at
Repeating Events:
See Suffolk Peace Vigils for a complete list of weekly and monthly vigils.
See Counter Recruiting Schedule for a listing of weekly and monthly demonstrations.
Saturdays during October and November: Native American Awareness Days at Shinnecock Museum
Native American Awareness Days will be held every Saturday in October and November.
The public is invited to visit the Shinnecock Nation Cultural Center and Museum for a "Journey With the People" in murals and exhibits of Shinnecock History.
Visitors will see a huge Dug-Out Canoe being constructed near a traditional wigwam out in front of the Museum.
Inside the Museum videos depicting Native American life styles be shown between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm each Saturday afternoon.
The Shinnecock Nation Cultural Center and Museum is on the Shinnecock Reservation at West Gate Road and Montauk Highway near Southampton, two miles east of Southampton College. (631) 287-4923
Sunday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 in Lindenhurst: Join political action singing group.
Participate in songs regarding environment, anti-war, labor, multiculturalism, civil rights, and other issues. Sing historic songs of struggle and social change. Explore the role of music in political movements. Experience singing musical arrangements, in four part harmony.
Perform these songs for others. Contribute to the progressive movement while becoming culturally enriched. If you've ever wanted to be in a singing group, now is your chance! Experienced and non-experienced singers are welcome. All we ask is that you are able to sing on pitch.
Rehearsals take place, Sunday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 in Lindenhurst.
Anyone interested, please call Lisa Fishbein at: (631) 957-4954
Thursday evening Book Study Group in Water Mill at 6:30 pm
The group meets at the Lutheran Church at Hayground Road and Montauk Highway on Thursdays at 6:30pmContact Pastor Vita at 631-537-1187 or pastorvita(at)verizon(dot)net
"Herstory" Writing Workshops in Spanish and English
Mondays in Farmingville:
Herstory Writers Workshop meets every Monday afternoon at the Farmingville branch of the Workplace Project from 3 to 5. Both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking women come together to share and shape their life experiences through memoir writing. The workshop is conducted in both English and Spanish.
Call 631-723-0150 for more information and directions to the center.
Thursdays in East Hampton:
Every Thursday Spanish-speaking women come together to share their writing with one another and receive feedback on how to structure and shape their lifewriting.
The East Hampton workshop is open to East Hampton Town residents and is conducted entirely in SpanishIt meets every Thursday, 7-9 p.m., at the Senior Citizens Center, 128 Springs-Fireplace Road.Call 631-723-0150 for more information.
Second Tuesday each month:
South Fork Chapter - LI Progressive Coalition Meets in Water Mill at 6:30pm The regular monthly meeting of the South Fork chapter of the Progressive Coalition is at 6:30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Lutheran Church on Montauk Highway & Hayground Rd. between Water Mill and Bridgehampton.
Info: 516-541-1006, ext.55 or www dot lipc dot org
Send event listings for next week's report by 5pm Tuesday to
Plain old text would be appreciated!
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