DANGEROUS MEMORY: A Sermon on the Jena Six - Rev. Sekou , Kathy Engel, others at Judson Church
Michael Ellick, Poet Kathy Engel and Domestic Workers United
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Service begins promptly at 11:00am
Judson Memorial Church
55 Washington Square South
New York, New York 10012
FREE Caribbean-style community meal will follow the service.
Childcare provided during service.
(Directions Below)
On this Sunday, September 23, 2007 at 11am, Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou
will deliver a sermon "Dangerous Memory" at Judson Memorial Church
located at 55 Washington Square South, New York, New York. Rev. Sekou
will be returning from Jena, LA in support of the Jena Six.
(www.freetheJena6.org) His sermon will reflect upon this miscarriage
of justice. By unmasking the legacy of race, class, and gender in
shaping democracy and Christianity, he will explore the challenges of
creating a prophetic future. Domestic Workers United will share their
struggles to obtain decent wages, safe working environments, and the
creation of the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. Rev. Sekou is a new
Community Minister at Judson Memorial Church and currently a student
at Union Theological Seminary.
He will be joined by guest liturgists:
Rev. Michael Ellick (Union, M.Div,'00), Community Minister
Rev. Stephen Epps (Union, M.Div,'08), former Community Minister
Poetry by Kathy Engel
A book-signing and Caribbean-style community meal will follow the
service. Childcare provided during service.
Judson Memorial Church is on the south side of Washington Square Park
between Thompson and Sullivan Streets.
Applying pressure on Hamas by starving the people of Palestine will not work.
Southampton, NY
sent to
Dear Mr. Bishop:
The situation of the people in Gaza is desperate.
It has been deteriorating for years due to dozens of military invasions, economic sanctions, and closures of border crossings. In June, the World Food Program estimated that 87% of Gazans were living below the poverty line.
This week, the Israeli cabinet declared Gaza an "enemy entity" and is threatening to further its siege on the people of Gaza.
The ability of relief organizations to help alleviate the poverty is now under threat.
We as US citizens have a responsibility to stop the collective punishment of Palestinians because we don't like the government they elected. U.S. military and non-military aid to Israel is being used to destroy a people.
Congress should act to stop this new humanitarian crisis. Our leverage is the billions given to Israel's military and government each year which supports a brutal occupation in Gaza and the West Bank.
The violence perpetrated by both sides must stop. It will stop when a just peace that recognizes the human rights of both Palestinians and Israelis is achieved.
The US should stop supporting the occupation and expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Applying pressure on Hamas by starving the people of Palestine will not work.
Tony Ernst
Week of September 20, 2007
For a complete and updated East End Report click here ,
Sunday September 23 at Judson Church: Rev. Osagyefo Sekou and Kathy Engel
Letter to Tim Bishop: Applying Pressure on Hamas by Starving Gazans will not work
Visions of Peace for Israel / Palestine - Films and Lectures in Bridgehampton Starting Monday September 24
East End Artist Presents "Facing the Wall" Tuesday September 25
Long Island Wins: Tuesday September 25
Peace & Justice Calendar
Suffolk Peace Vigils
United for Peace & Justice - National Mobilization October 27
Counter Recruiting Schedule
Alternative Media for Eastern LI
Democracy Now!
Non-corporate news hour with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez:
on Riverhead/Southampton/Southold/Shelter Island Channel 20:
Monday 9 pm - Tuesday 9 pm - Wednesday 9 pm - Thursday 11 pm -
Friday - 8 pm- Saturday - 10 pm
Also on WUSB 90.1 FM 5pm Mon-Friday and East Hampton LTV Ch 20
See WPKN Today for program details on WPKM heard at 88.7 Montauk to Water Mill and WPKN 89.5 Bridgeport to Southampton and Southold.
News on WPKN / WPKM:
Free Speech Radio News Mon-Fri at 6pm: News from Pacifica Reporters Against Censorship - world wide report of news not heard on corporate media.
WPKN/M Local News at 6:30 pm (Mon-Fri) has occasional reports from the East End.
WPKN / WPKM Programs Available on the Net:
click on links below
Jeff Halper: A Jewish Voice for Peace
originaly broadcast July 19
Jeff Halper of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions tells about his work and explains the reality of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.
Rev. Holly Haile Davis and the Thunderbird Sisters at the Southold UU
Originaly broadcast on March 29.
WPKN presents the Reverend Holly Haile Davis and the singing Thunder Bird Sisters of the Shinnecock Nation on Long Island. The program was recorded as they led the Sunday service at the First Universalist Church of Southold, New York on January 14 of this year.
Reverend Holly Haile Davis is the first Native-American woman ordained as a Presbyterian minister.
The program includes musical selections by the Thunder Bird Sisters and stories from the gospel according to some Native Americans.
Counterpoint: Scott Harris Host
To hear in-depth analysis you'll rarely hear in corporate media, listen to "Counterpoint" LIVE on WPKN-FM Monday nights from 8 to 10 pm
An archive of Counterpoint programs are accessible for free at http://www.whiterosesociety.org/ Some segments of Counterpoint are edited for re-broadcast on the syndicated Between The Lines radio newsmagazine.
Gordian Raacke on WPKN:
"Going Solar" - In this special program, our guest, renewable energy expert Gordian Raacke, will explain how solar energy systems can be used in existing homes.
Originally broadcast April 15, 2007. Interviewer: Ken MacDermotRoe
For more Information on Peace Activism on LI
see North Fork People of Conscience at www(.)nfpofc(.)blogspot(.)com
see Suffolk Progressive Vision at www(.)spv(.)active(.)ws
The East End Report is compiled by Tony Ernst
Send corrections or comments to eastendreport@yahoo.com
Peace & Justice Calendar - Starting September 20
* September 24 (Monday): Arna's Children - Film Set in Jenin by Israeli Director in Bridgehampton at 7pm
* September 25 (Tuesday): East End Artist Presents "Facing The Wall" in Brookly at 7pm
* October 4 (Thursday): Jeff Halper - Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions Speaks in Bridgehampton at 7pm
* October 5 (Friday): OLA Film in Southampton at 6:30 pm
Repeating Events:
* Tuesdays: Bob Zellner Commentaries on WLIU 88.3
* Thursdays at Noon: Bill McNulty Interviews
* Second Friday of Month: US Dept. of Labor Rep at OLA's Water Mill Office
* First Saturday of Month: Demonstration at Patchogue Recruiting Station 12-1:30 pm
* Every Thursday "The Thursday Night Group" in Bridgehampton 6:30 - 9pm
* "Herstory" Writing Workshops on Wednesdays in Farmingville (Spanish and English) 3 to 5 pm and Thursdays in Spanish only in East Hampton at 7 pm
* Second Tuesday of Month: South Fork Chapter of LI Progressive Coalition Meets in Water Mill at 6:30 pm
Details Follow:
September 24 (Monday): Arna's Children - Film Set in Jenin by Israeli Director in Bridgehampton at 7pm
The Israel/Palestine Film and Lecture series starts Monday September 24 at the Unitarian Universalist South Fork Meeting House in Bridgehampton. The first event in the series is a showing of the film 'Arna's Children' . The film traces the lives and deaths of an Israeli woman and her young Palestinian proteges in the Jenin Refugee Camp on the Israeli occupied West Bank.
Kathy Engel of East End Women in Black will lead a discussion following the film.
The next event in the series will be a lecture by Dr. Jeff Halper of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions on Thursday October 4 at 7pm. Additonal films will be shown on Monday evenings in October.
All events will be held at the Unitarian Universalist South Fork Meeting House 977 Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike in Bridgehampton (just south of Scuttlehole Road).
Co-sponsored by the Committee for Peace in Israel / Palestine and East End Women in Black.
For more information telephone 631-259-2482
September 25 (Tuesday): East End Artist Presents "Facing The Wall" in Brooklyn at 7pm
The separation wall, Israel's illegal 400-mile, 25-foot-high barrier in the occupied Palestinian territories, has created an outpouring of resistance art. Join us for a multimedia presentation by artist and psychologist Hazel Kahan, Ph.D., to:
*learn about the policies and psychology that created the separation wall;
*analyze what it means to be on the right or wrong side of the wall;
*see the art that has grown up on the wall and about the wall.
The presentation will include audio from Dr. Kahan's interview with a resident of Batir, where the people were waiting for the wall to enclose their village.
Tuesday, September 25 at 7 p.m. Brooklyn Friends Meeting House
110 Schermerhorn Street (corner of Boerum)
Info at 718-624-5921 or www.brooklynpeace.org
Dr. Halper will outline the nature of the present occupation which Israel intends to be permanent, explaining how a "Matrix of Control" is used to isolate Palestinians from their land, from each other and from Israelis.
Halper promises also to talk "about where we are at this moment, teetering on the edge of apartheid" and why he believes "that a two-state solution permitting a truly sovereign and
VIABLE Palestinian state has been eliminated by Israel's settlement enterprise"
He will put forward a positive solution and invite discussion from the audience.
More info: call 631-259-2482
October 5 (Friday): OLA Film Festival in Southampton at 6:30 pm
correction: date is Friday October 5
The Organizacion Latino Americana presents the films "Family Law" and "Live-in Maid" in Spanish at the Parrish Art Museum, 25 Jobs Lane in Southampton.
More Info at 631-283-2118 or call OLA at (631) 726 - 6526
See Suffolk Peace Vigils for a complete list of weekly and monthly vigils.
See Counter - Recruiting Schedule for a listing of weekly and monthly demonstrations
Sundays in Bridgehampton
The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity --- A Sunday night group forming inTuesdays: Bob Zellner comments on WLIU 88.3
Bridgehampton at "the welcome place" Incarnation Lutheran Church.
Call (631) 537-1187.
Human Rights activist Bob Zellner is heard each Tuesday morning and evening during the news programs on WLIU Southampton.
Thursdays at Noon: Bill McNulty Interviews on WUSB 90.1 and www.wusb.fm
9-13: Erika Duncan on Herstory to replace History,
9/20: Jim Fetter, former Marine and prime spokesperson for 911 Scholars
talks about "the Official Version of 911 as it bumps up against reality."
Second Friday of Month: Labor Dept Reps in Water Mill from 11am to 1 pm
Bilingual Latino representatives from the US Dept of Labor's Wage and Hour Division are available the second Friday of every month in the OLA office, from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., to answer questions concerning workers' rights and to help workers--whether documented or undocumented--recover pay owed them. If your employer has not paid you for time you've worked or if you know someone in this situation, visit the OLA office at 1152 Montauk Hwy in Water Mill to find out what you can do. Call 631-726-6526 ( 726 - OLA6). ______________________________________________
First Saturday Each Month in Patchogue Recruiting Station at 12-1:30pm
We will continue our regular protest in Patchogue on Saturday with informational leafletting against recruiters in our public schools and deceiptful recruiting practices. Signs, flyers, petitions will be provided. Where: 116 Main St., Patchogue, west of Route 112, east of N. Ocean Ave.
When: 12:00 noon - 1:30 p.m. Come for 1/2 hour or the whole time.
Why: To make the public aware of military recruiting practices in our
public schools. We want equal access into our schools alongside military recruiters with information regarding the realities of the military.
We want an adult present when a student speaks with a recruiter.
Contact: 631-875-8647
The Thursday Night Group in Bridgehampton 6:30 - 9pm
an eclectic bunch of seekers who have been studying progressive theologians for the past two years, welcomes you to join them this
TNG meets every Thursday beginning at 6:30 with Taize Prayer & Meditation at 7:30 with a shared community supper
and from 8:00 to 9:00 "the program."
"Herstory" Writing Workshops in Spanish and English
Wednesdays in Farmingville:
Herstory Writers Workshop meets every Monday afternoon at the Farmingville branch of the Workplace Project from 3 to 5. Both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking women come together
to share and shape their life experiences through memoir writing.
The workshop is conducted in both English and Spanish.
Call 631-723-0150 for more information and directions to the center.
Thursdays in East Hampton:
Every Thursday Spanish-speaking women come together to share their writing with one another and receive feedback on how to structure and shape their lifewriting. The East Hampton workshop is open to East Hampton Town residents and is conducted entirely in Spanish.
It meets every Thursday, 7-9 p.m., at the Senior Citizens Center, 128 Springs-Fireplace Road.
Call 631-723-0150 for more information. ___________________________________________
Second Tuesday each month: South Fork Chapter - LI Progressive Coalition Meets in Water Mill at 6:30pm
The regular monthly meeting of the South Fork chapter of the Progressive Coalition is at 6:30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Lutheran Church on Montauk Highway & Hayground Rd. between Water Mill and Bridgehampton. Info: 516-541-1006, ext.55 or www (.)lipc(.)org
Sundays: Bush is a Liar Choir" rehearses in Lindenhurst from 7 to 9pm
Join political action singing group. Participate in songs regarding environment, anti-war, labor, multiculturalism, civil rights, and other issues. Sing historic songs of struggle and social change. Contribute to the progressive movement while becoming culturally enriched. If you've ever wanted to be in a singing group, now is your chance! Experienced and non-experienced singers are welcome. All we ask is that you are able to sing on pitch. We need sopranos! Rehearsals take place, Sunday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 in Lindenhurst.
Call Lisa Fishbein at: (631) 957-4954
Please send event listings for next week's report (PLAIN TEXT Please) by 5 pm on Tuesday
to eastendreport@yahoo.com
Long Island Wins at Stony Brook Southampton Sept 25
The Long Island Immigrant Alliance
Organizacion Latino Americana
Stony Brook University Humanities Institute Civic Performance
Cordially invite you to
Communicating the Positive Contributions of Immigrants to Long Island, and Working Toward Immigration Solutions that Work for Everyone Nationally recognized media consultants Laguens Hamburger Kully Klose Strategies & Media will lead the workshop.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 9AM – 1PM
(Light breakfast & light lunch served)
Stony Brook Southampton Campus
102 Chancellors Hall 239 Montauk Hwy Southampton, NY 11968
(Make right at first light coming into Southampton)
RSVP BY EMAIL: Brianstedge@gmail.com
East End Artist Presents "Facing the Wall"

The separation wall, Israel's illegal 400-mile, 25-foot-high barrier in the occupied Palestinian territories, has created an outpouring of resistance art.
Join us for a multimedia presentation by artist and psychologist Hazel Kahan, Ph.D., to:
*learn about the policies and psychology that created the separation wall;
*analyze what it means to be on the right or wrong side of the wall;
*see the art that has grown up on the wall and about the wall.
The presentation will include audio from Dr. Kahan's interview with a resident of Batir, where the people were waiting for the wall to enclose their village.
Tuesday, September 25 at 7 p.m.
Brooklyn Friends Meeting House
110 Schermerhorn Street (corner of Boerum)
Transportation: A/C/G train to Hoyt-Schermerhorn; F train to Jay St. Borough Hall; 2,3,4,5,M,R train to Court St. Borough Hall; B25, 26, 27, 28, 37, 41, 61, 75 to downtown Brooklyn.
Sponsored by Brooklyn For Peace (formerly Brooklyn Parents For Peace)
Co-sponsors: the Peace and Social Action Committee of Brooklyn Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society
of Friends (Quakers); Artists Against the War; The Dialogue Project
For information: 718-624-5921 or www.brooklynpeace.org