Action Alert: Save Social Security

A message from Citizen Action of NY (CANY)

CANY supports Campaign to preserve Social Security

Last year we mobilized hundreds of thousands of voters around the country. This year we need to mobilize hundreds of thousands of voters in New York, not to go to the ballot box but to raise their voices and tell Congress "hands off Social Security".

We are organizing grassroots campaigns in all nine New York Republican Congressional districts. And even if you don't live in these districts, you can help by calling voters, knocking on doors and identifying your friends and family who live in these swing areas.

Go to

* Sign up for the campaign.

* Send letter by FAX to your member of Congress.

Even if you're represented by a Democrat in Congress, you need to urge them to fight to stop the Bush plan to privatize Social Security.

Click here to send a free fax to your Representative urging him or her to vote NO on these unnecessary and harmful exemptions before it's too late!

* Consider contributing to CANY's Campaign to preserve Social Security at www.citizenactionny