Will we bulldoze the cemeteries?

The Southampton Press reported last week that the Southampton Town Board is considering a moratorium on building along the recently widened County Road 39. A hearing is scheduled for July 8 on the moratorium. The Town is proposing to study new development along this route and within one-half mile of the road.

To the editor, Southampton Press

The Town Board should be applauded for (if belatedly) stopping development along CR 39. From its inception in the 1960s this road has been confused with a shopping mall. Even as the DOT was planning to widen this vital artery the Town continued to approve more highway business development. The result was a dangerous four lane highway without shoulders and with cars entering and exiting from ugly strip malls. The removal of these highway businesses to the central business districts in the town should be considered. The Town should not stop with CR 39. A final halt to sub-division of and building on what is left of the un-disturbed land on the South Fork is long overdue. We continue to build over the graves of the colonial era settlers and Native American ancestors in the Shinnecock Hills and in places such as the shores of Mecox Bay. When these sites and the entirety of Southampton are built out - and we are close to that - will we then bulldoze the cemeteries?

Anthony Ernst