The North Fork Environmental Council seeks volunteers to assist our existing Land Use Committee in many facets of conserving our precious land, water and air. We need volunteers to help us "Save What's Left¨ of our environment. What does the word environment mean? "Environment" means all the external conditions or influences under which humans, animals and plants live or are developed.
What are some of the duties of our Land Use Committee?
to establish and recommend programs designed to foster increased public concern and awareness of the environment; to ensure that all the aspects of preservation and maintenance of the natural environment are fully considered in the administration of land use and resource development, and minimize and prevent waste of those resources. to inquire into/study any matter related to the environment or land use; and if considered advisable, to make recommendations to the Board of Directors of NFEC respecting any matter relating to the environment and the development and use of land and other natural resources.
We're there - every step of the way! Our Land Use Committee needs additional voices to help us "Save What's Left" for generations to come.
If you, or someone you know, share an interest in this area, our Land Use Committee is seeking New Members.
To learn more about their efforts in our community, contact the NFEC at (631) 298-8880.
Ken Rubino, President North Fork Environmental Council