almost 4000 US soldiers have died in Iraq as of Click on Iraq Casualties Count for an update
The number will most likely reach 4000 this month.
To observe /commemorate our 4000 dead, vigils are planned for Bridgehampton and Lake Grove (Smith Haven Mall) as follows:
On the DAY AFTER war casualties reach 4000 a vigil
is planned for Bridgehampton at the Monument to War Dead
on Route 27 (Main St.) and Ocean Road.
The vigil will be held from 3 pm - 6 pm.
Participating will be people from many local groups including
East End Women in Black,
Peconic Bay Friends Meeting(Quakers) and
the Unitarian-Universalist Congregation of the South Fork
more info:
Information on war casualties is available at
Return to this site for updates and confirmation of day of the Vigil.
Smith Haven Mall - Lake Grove:
From Suffolk Peace Network:
As we are rapidly approaching the 4,000th American casualty in IRAQ , the Suffolk Peace Network is making plans for a massive demonstration in reaction to that dreadful event.
As of February 25 the number has reached 3,973
On the first SATURDAY following the day that the 4,000th American casualty is reached we will stand as a presence of peace on the sidewalk on Rte 25 in front of the Smith Haven Mall in Lake Grove. We will be there from 2:00-4:30 PM.
Recently the Suffolk Peace Network has ordered special t shirts for this event that read:
4,000 troops, 1 million Iraqis DEAD—on front, ENOUGH—on back.
more info: contact Dennis at