October 10: Hearing on Gristedes' Suit Against LI Native Business

One of the few sources of jobs and income for residents on Long Island's two Indian reservations has been challenged by a law suit launched in March by the Gristedes Corp, the mult-million dollar super market chain.

The suit, filed in Federal Court, charges among other un-substantiated claims that sales by Long Island Native smokeshops to non - Indians fuel a black market operation with proceeds going to fund Hizbollah in Lebanon.

Gristedes, a privately held company formed out of a merger in 2004 with United Refining Company which operates gas stations and convenience stores in upstate New York, says its business is being hurt by the Indian cigarette sales.

A law passed by the New York State Legislature after lobbying by an asociation of convenience store operators would require Native tobacco and gasoline retailers to charge the State tax on these items if sold to non-Indians. The law has not been enforced by the Pataki administration but probable governor Eliot Spitzer has pledged to enforce it. The Native tribes say that such a law violates their sovereign rights under the law.

A hearing on the suit filed by the Gristedes Corporation against Long Island Native Tribes and businesses will be held October 10, 2006 at 12:30PM at 225 Cadman Plaza, Brooklyn, the US Eastern District Court, Room 10D, 10th Floor

The Long Island Native American Business Alliance has issued this action alert:

Rally on for Native Rights…

EVENT: Gristedes’ case hearing followed by a press conference and rally/peaceful demonstration. Drummers, singers, speakers, friends and allies of native peoples welcome.

In recognition of Internationa Solidarity Day with Indigenous Peoples…

STOP the attack on native sovereignty, and economic independence.
PREVENT future passing of unconstitutional laws!

BE THERE to show support in person. We need to fill the court room to make our message heard.

DONATIONS are needed! Sign materials, bottled waters, and monetary donations are appreciated.

*We will begin to begin to gather at Noon in the plaza. Please be prompt so we can enter as a group.

Hosted By:

Long Island Native American Business Alliance (LINABA)

The Shinnecock and Unkechaug Nations of Long Island , NY have come together to defend their rights by forming an alliance.

For more info visit www.SupportNativeBusiness.com