Cesar A. Malaga of the Hispanic American Association attended the Greater Farmingville Community Association (GFCA) meeting on January 7. Here is a summary of his report:
Less than 30 people attended the meeting presided over by GFCA President Ray Wysolmierski who once again showed his hate for Latinos. He indicated that there are 20 million undocumented immigrants in the USA, and that "10,000 cross the Mexican border every day" . He spoke about the "comic book issued by the Mexican Government and the survival kit provided to cross the dessert to get into the USA". Wysolmierski repeated his reference several times to the "invasion" of the USA by Mexicans. He is against the nomination of Alberto Gonzales to be the next Attorney General.
Congressman Bishop was firm in his stand against deporting undocumented immigrants and he indicated he is in favor of work visas and a road to citizenship.The Congressman favors legalizing of all undocumented immigrants.
There was Q &A. Some members of the GFCA want Congress to pass laws to deport undocumented immigrants. Several members were nasty to the Congressman.
Ray Wysolmierski said they will run their own candidate to replace Congressman Bishop. Their candidate will support whatever legislation GFCA asks them to pass.
Assemblywoman Ginny Fields followed Congressman Bishop. She suggested the Town should enforce zoning laws.
The GFCA plans to bring Kathy McKee, the woman who was instrumental in passing Prop. 200 [in California] to address the GFCA.