Tim Bishop to Speak to Farmingville Group
Wisolmierski issued a Christmas message in which he referred to immigrants as "invaders and occupiers". He cited the acceptance by Mr. Bishop and Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy of invitations to speak to the Farmingville group as evidence of their legitimacy as leaders in a campaign to turn back the invaders. The government, Wiesolmirski said, "cannot protect the rights of the illegal without infringing on the rights of the legal".
Southampton Town Expenditures to Fight Casino Top Million $
The tribe is requesting that those who support their sovereign rights contact their elected officials and tell them to drop the lawsuits opposing the Shinnecock Nation plans.
Messages can be sent to elected officials and media using the links below.
Town of Southampton
Governor Pataki
U.S Congressmen Tim Bishop
Send a “Letter to the editor” – Southampton Press
News you might have missed from the East End Independent of Dec 15:
Casino Expenses
Supervisor Skip Heaney sponsored a resolution to appropriate funds in the amount of $150,000 to “cover expenses” for the town’s outside council Nixon Peabody LLP. It was expected to be voted on yesterday. The law firm is handling the case of the proposed Shinnecock casino. Federal Justice Thomas C. Platt has been reviewing the records and genealogy of the Shinnecock Indian Nation to determine whether it is eligible to become a federally recognized tribe. Such recognition could entitle members to build and operate a casino on their 79-acre Hampton Bays property known as West Woods. Traditionally, the review process is conducted by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. But to the chagrin of the BIA, Platt decided to speed up the process by reviewing the records himself after discovering it could take the bureau up to 10 years to process the tribe’s federal application. Attorney Michael Cohen, of Nixon Peabody, said that the town and New York State, which also filed suit against the tribe, are acting as co-plaintiffs in this case. Attorney Christopher Lunding is representing the Shinnecock Indians. It has been eight months since the last hearing on the matter, and all parties are waiting for the next court date to be set.
Copyright © 2004 Independent News Co.
The night before war begins, and you are still here.
You can stand in a breathless cold
ocean of candles, a thousand issues of your same face
rubbed white from below by clear waxed light.
A vigil. You are wondering what it is
you can hold a candle to.
You have a daughter. Her cheeks curve
like aspects of the Mohammed's perfect pear.
She is three. Too young for candles but
you are here, this is war.
Flames covet the gold-sparked ends of her hair.
her nylon parka laughing in color,
inflammable. It has taken your whole self
to bring her undamaged to this moment,
and waiting in the desert at this moment
is a bomb that flings gasoline in a liquid sheet,
a laundress's snap overhead, wide as the ancient Tigris,
and ignites as it descends.
The polls have sung thir opera of assent: the land
wants war. But here is another America,
candle-throated, sure as tide.
Whoever you are, you are also this granite anger.
In history you will be the vigilant dead
who stood in front of every war with old hearts
in your pockets, stood on the carcass of hope
listening for the thunder of its feathers.
The desert is diamond ice and only stars above us here
and elsewhere, a thousand issues of a clear waxed star,
a holocoaust of heaven and somewhere, a way out.
* Barbara Kingsolver - from "Another America",
Seal Press, Seattle (http://www.sealpress.com/)
copyright 1992 by Barbara Kingsolver
The Freedom
the looting freedom, the killing freedom, the rape freedom,
the hash-smoking freedom.
I don't know what to do with all this freedom."
Akeel, a 26 year-old Baghdad resident, on life in the new Iraq quoted in
"The Freedom: Shadows and Hallucinations in Occupied Iraq" by Christian Parenti
December 23, 2004
and also at www.spv.active.ws/
the Suffolk Progressive Vision Web Site with news from the
Suffolk Peace Network and South Country Peace Group
plus much more.
The East End Report is heard on Bill McNulty's
"Lunch on Thursday"
12N, Thursday WUSB Stony Brook 90.1 FM
and WUSB.org
Excerpts on Jim Krivo's Long Island Report
Thursday 6:45am on 'Wake Up Call'
WBAI NYC 99.5 FM and WBAI.org
- W. McNulty
Attention East End TV Viewers:
"The Children
of Ibdaa: To Create Something Out of Nothing"
A Palestinian children's dance
troupe from the West Bank
tells the story
of their people’s struggle
Mondays at 10:30 PM
Wednesdays at 12:30 PM
Riverhead /
Southampton /
Southold / Shelter Island
Public Access TV Channel 20
In this week's report:
East End Women in Black Vigils in Bridgehampton and Sag Harbor
Update on Levy Immigration Plan
New Suffolk Jail
Suffolk Peace Vigils
Holiday Shopping List for Peace and Justice
Peace and Justice Calendar
- December 26 (Sunday): Candlelight Vigil in Patchogue at 5 PM
- December 29 (Wednesday): Radical Simplicity: Reading by Jim Merkel in Sag Harbor 6pm
- January 2 (Sunday): Vigil for Peace in Brideghampton at 3pm
- January 6 (Thursday) Panel Discussion on Super Jail at Riverhead Library 4 pm
- January 16 (Sunday): Vigil for Peace at Sag Harbor Wharf at 3pm
- January 20 (Thursday): Innauguration Day Discussion in East Hampton 12:30pm - 2:30pm
- January (tentative – no date set): Tim Bishop to meet with Farmingville Community Association (aka Sachem Quality of Life)
Details follow. ____________________________________________________________
East End Women in Black Vigils in Bridgehampton and Sag Harbor
East End Women in Black invite you to join them twice each month at our vigils for peace and an end to the occupations of Iraq and Palestine. They vigil in Bridgehampton at the Monument on Route 27 and Ocean Road on the first Sunday of each month at 3pm. Also starting Sunday, January 16 they will vigil on the third Sunday of each month at the Wharf in Sag Harbor at 3pm.
This month the vigils are on:
Sunday January 2 in Brideghampton at the monument at 3pm and
Sunday January 16 at the Sag Harbor Wharf at 3pm
More information at 631-831-4966
Update: Levy Meets with Federal Immigration Officials, Immigrant Coalition Requests Meeting
In response to news that Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy met with officials of the federal Immigration agency (ICE - formerley the Immigration and Naturalization Service) a coalition of many organizations including the Hispanic American Association, the Suffolk branch of the New York Civil Liberties Union and the North Fork Hispanic Apostolate have requested a meeting with Mr. Levy.
In support of the coalition you are encouraged to write letters to the local papers calling for a fair immigration policy and telling about the good people who have come to work, not to steal or commit acts of terrorism.
Jared Feuer of the Suffolk NYCLU has prepared a list of 'talking points' which will be useful in communicating with Mr. Levy and for letters to the media. See "Talking Points" posted on this site.
Also, the Suffolk New York Civil Liberties Union has set up a web address for sending messages to the County Exec. The address is: http://www.suffolknyclu.org/action/immigration.cfm
New Suffolk 'Super Jail'
For those who thought the proposal to build a new Suffolk County Jail in Yaphank was dead Michael O'Neill reports that "It now is in preliminary plans for which they allocated 3 million for initial drawings and an engineering report. Next [the legislature] will vote on the scope of project and the costs of the completion of plans." More about this is available at a new web site:
href="http://www.suffolksuperjail.com">www.suffolksuperjail.com features:
A place to take action!
Sign up for an email list to get regular e-alerts on the movement to make the community's voice heard.
Join hundreds of other Long Islanders and sign on to our 5 point message to the county.
Have your organization officially join Concerned Communities for Alternatives to Jail.
Up to date news on the issue of jail expansion. Articles from local and national news sources on the Suffolk Jail and the issue of jail overcrowding nationally.
Downloadable fact sheets on the controversial "super jail" with expert research and statistics on the social, economic, and environmental effects of the proposed new jail as well as information on the statewide county jail boom.
Access to our speakers bureau. Contact us to schedule a speaking event. Our speakers bureau includes criminal justice professionals, activists, clergy, and community members all supportive of sustainable ways of addressing jail overcrowding and the need for jail renovation.
And more.
Concerned Communities for Alternatives to Jail Member Organizations:
Long Island Progressive Coalition (LIPC)
Long Island Organizers Network (LION)
NAACP of Suffolk County
Peconic Community Council (PCC)
Suffolk County League of Women Voters
Holiday Shopping List for Peace and Justice
Here is a list of organizations in our area that could use a helping hand.
Consider a gift to one of these:
Bridgehampton Child Care Center
Bridgehampton-Sag Harbor Turnpike
Whalebone Village Tutoring Program
This tutoring program located at the model Whalebone Village affordable housing complex Community Room in East Hampton could use donations of books and/or cash. Contact Tamar at tqwrite@i-2000.com
Shinnecock Nation Cultural Center and Museum
The museum is part of the effort by the Shinnecocks to preserve their land and culture. The exhibits include objects from pre-historic times and photos and news clippings from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The latter document the life of the great-grandparents grandparents and parents of those living on the reservation today.
A collection of 20 bronze sculptures of Native Americans by Dave McGary and others seems to us to reflect the brave spirit of those who faced the onslaught of the European-American march across North America in the 19th century.
This collection and the photo exhibit located in the basement of the two level museum will be made more accessible to those who have a problem with stairs by the addition of an elevator. This is the goal of a fund raising effort by the museum. Donations should be sent to:
Shinnecock Nation Cultural Center and Museum
Shinnecock Indian Reservation
P.O. Box 5059
Southampton, NY 11969
Suffolk Peace Vigils:
This coming week's Peace Vigils are on:
Friday in Sayville: 5PM at Railroad Ave and Main St
Saturday in Bellport: 11am at Station and South Country Roads
Saturday in Setauket: 11 am at Bennetts Road and Rte 25A
Sunday in Patchogue: 5pm at Ocean and Main Streets (last Sunday each month)
Tuesday in Huntington: 5pm at Rte 110 and Rte 25A.
Peace and Justice Calendar:
December 26 (Sunday): Candlelight Vigil in Patchogue at 5 PM
This candlelight vigil is in Patchogue at 5 p.m. on the last
Sunday of each month at the Four Corners (North Ocean & Main)
Contact: Dennis Urlaub dmu7@optonline.net
December 29 (Wednesday): Radical Simplicity: Reading by Jim Merkel in Sag Harbor 6pm
Canio's Books will host Jim Merkel, author of "Radical Simplicity: Small Footprints on a Finite
Earth" on Wednesday, December 29, at 6 p.m.
Merkel worked as a military engineer for seventeen years before radically simplifying his life.
He is co-director of the Global Living Project, developing tools for personal and societal
Merkel, a native of the Eastern Long Island and a Stony Brook U graduate currently lives in
The reading is free and open to the public at Canio's, 290 Main St. Sag Harbor.
Contact: Kathryn Szoka, 725-4926
January 2 (Sunday): Vigil for Peace in Brideghampton at 3pm
East End Women in Black hold a vigil for peace in Bridgehampton at the Monument on Route 27 and Ocean Road on the first Sunday of each month at 3pm.
Also this month EEWIB return to Sag Harbor on January 16 (see below)
more info at 631-831-4966
January 6 (Thursday) Panel Discussion on Super Jail at Riverhead Library 4 pm
The League of Woman Voters will present a panel discussion on the crowding in the Suffolk County Jail and possible alternatives to the planned Super Jail.
Panel Participants:
Dr. James Golbin
Undersheriff Walter Denzler
Judge Deborah Kooperstein.
For more information: Pastor Rose Ann Vita at ravita@fnol.net
January 16 (Sunday): Vigil for Peace at Sag Harbor Wharf at 3pm
Starting Sunday, January 16 East End Women in Black return to Sag Harbor on the third Sunday of each month at the Wharf at 3pm.
Contact: 631-831-4966
January 20 (Thursday): Innauguration Day Discussion in East Hampton
An interfaith discussion will be held on Inauguration Day, Thursday, January 20, from 12:30pm to 2:30pm entitled "Where Do We Go From Here?"
People of good will of all faiths and spiritual paths are welcome. The
interfaith conversation is meant to mark our concerns about the challenges and
choices our nation faces regarding authentic moral, spiritual and democratic
values. The gathering has been planned to provide a meeting place for those on
the East End who seek an open and inclusive direction in public policy. Reverend
Rob Stuart will facilitate the gathering to be held at the parish house of Saint Luke's Episcopal Church in East Hampton. A brown bag lunch is suggested.
For further information contact Maryann Calendrille at 725-4926.
January (tentative, date t.b.a.): Tim Bishop to meet with Greater Farmingville Community Association (aka Sachem Quality of Life)
The East End Report is compiled by Tony Ernst.
If you don't wish to receive this weekly email
newsletter send an email to eastendreport@optonline
Write DON’T SEND in the Subject Line.
Comments and corrections are welcome
by email to eastendreport@optonline.net
Send information about your events (in PLAIN TEXT please)
for the December 30 report by Wednesday, December 29 at Noon
to: eastendreport@optonline.net
from Suffolk NYCLU: Talking Points Re Levy Immigration Policy
Below are talking points on the current proposal by Levy regarding use of federal immigration agents or giving county 'law enforcement' personnel 'immigration powers'.
You can also read our letters to Levy at http://www.suffolknyclu.org/news/121304.html
Contact NYCLU:
jfeuer@nyclu.orgPh: (631) 423-3846; Fax: (631) 423-3847150
Broadhollow Road, Suite PH5; Melville, NY 11747
1). Dangerous New Ground: If, as currently proposed, Suffolk enters into a Memorandum of Understanding, it would be the first local municipality to do so in the nation. Is there a reason no one else has done so yet? It is dangerous, divisive and costly.
2). Battered Women: Battered women groups have come out against this proposal becauseabused women will become less likely to call for police protection in fear that their husbands might never return.
3). Liability: With the exception of workmen's comp, the County would likely beliable for lawsuits over deportation and detention violations and errors. Courtshave found INS liable for similar errors.
4). Unnecessary: A conservative Manhattan Institute study shows that immigrantsare less likely to commit offenses than those who are native born. And a 1994-1999INS study shows that there is a 37% recidivism rate for immigrants verses 66%. If crime is not the reason, then why are we involving law enforcement?
5). Not a Criminal Matter: Being unlawfully present in the US is, generally, nota criminal violation, but rather a civil immigration violation. The police workon criminal, not civil
6). Complicated: Immigration law can't be understood through a ten-week databasecourse. It takes years of knowledge to accurately determine citizenship, refugeequalifications, current status, the visa process, etc. The mistakes could be deadly,especially in the case of refugees.
7). Resource Strain: Almost all costs are carried by the local municipality, includingtraining, feeding, database access, computer systems, food and housing when ICE does not immediately pick up individuals. We can't afford this and the federal government is not interested in helping. Costs will quickly escalate out of control.This is a federal issue for a reason.
8) Opposed by Police: The Suffolk PBA came out against deputization because itwould make their jobs harder to protect all Suffolk residents. The new proposalis a different road to the same destination as before to have mechanisms for deportationbegin when officers show up for their beat. The police have worked hard to fostertrust in immigrant communities, allowing them to do their jobs better. If they can't police those communities effectively, it makes the whole County less safe.
9) Privacy Concerns for All Suffolk Residents: The proposal would provide federalofficials with information on a potentially large number of Suffolk residents, notjust immigrants. How many people are going to get swept up in this manhunt?